Proto Spark CO.
PlayProto Spark CO.



Are often characterized by their innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit.


Minimum Viable Product is the first crucial step in testing your concept.


Model is the foundation of your startup's success.

Our Team Makes Your Life Easier

We specialize in simplifying the complex journey of bringing your startup idea to life. Our dedicated team is here to make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the first crucial step in testing your concept and gaining valuable market insights. We excel at crafting MVPs that encapsulate your core vision, allowing you to validate your ideas.

Our Process For success

Business Design
Business design is the art of crafting a holistic and customer-centric approach to building a successful enterprise.
Tech & Prototype
Developing a technology prototype for online platforms is the key to bringing your digital vision to life.
55 Business model development
Navigating your business model involves fine-tuning revenue streams, cost structures, and customer segments

Contact Us

Our Address

55 Charles Street west - Toronto Canada

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)?
    An MVP is a simplified version of a product or service that includes only the essential features needed to test its viability in the market. It helps businesses gather feedback, validate their assumptions, and reduce development costs.
    How do I determine the right features for my MVP?
    The features for your MVP should be chosen based on your core value proposition and the problems it solves for your target audience. Conduct market research and customer interviews to identify the most critical features.
    What is a Business Model Canvas?
    The Business Model Canvas is a strategic tool that helps startups and businesses visualize and design their business model. It includes key elements such as customer segments, value proposition, channels, revenue streams, and cost structure.
    Why is business design important for startups?
    Business design focuses on creating a holistic and customer-centric approach to building a business. It considers how all aspects of the business interact to deliver value to customers and achieve sustainability and growth.
    What is the role of a startup lab or incubator?
    A startup lab or incubator provides resources, mentorship, and a supportive environment for early-stage startups. It helps entrepreneurs refine their business ideas, develop their MVPs, secure funding, and navigate the challenges of scaling a business.
    How can I access a startup lab or incubator for my business idea?
    To access a startup lab or incubator, you can typically apply to join their programs or cohorts. Many universities, accelerators, and co-working spaces offer such programs. Research and identify the ones that align with your startup's goals and apply accordingly.